Young Adults

 Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word,
in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. 

I Timothy 4:12

Shiloh Baptist Church is committed to cultivating and fostering healthy, wholesome, and wellness relationships within our Young Adult community. C2C (Closer 2 Christ) Ministry's mission is to disciple Young Adults into authentic Kingdom living in their journey to become like Jesus. Shiloh aims to develop and disciple Young Adults into Kingdom relationships where Fellowship, Lordship, Ownership, Worship, and Stewardship become CORE Values in their day to day faith walk in Christ.

Shiloh Baptist Church seeks to develop Young Adult disciples for Christ who are impactful, inspirational, and influential for the Kingdom of Christ. 

Closer 2 Christ Fellowship

Outings and Online Fellowship

C2C Fellowship have outings and online fellowship scheduled throughout the year. These outings and online communities (Zoom sessions) are designed to generate community, comfort, and communication between Young Adult believers.

In-person Fellowship Ministry Sessions

In addition to ministry outings and online fellowship, C2C also offers in-person fellowship ministry sessions. These in-person gatherings are designed to create a listening, learning, and loving environment for Young Adult believers.

Young Adult Fellowship

Get Connected. Get Involved. Go Deeper.

Shiloh Baptist Church is constantly seeking new and exciting ways to advance God's Kingdom through Young Adult Ministry and Outreach.  As such, Shiloh continues to experience spiritual and numerical growth wherein Young Adult Fellowships will be created to foster a healthy community of believers who strive to connect, grow in Christ, and go deeper in God's Word. 

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