Foreign Mission: Haiti

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Shiloh Baptist Church works in partnership with the MIVO Foundation, a York, PA registered 501(c)3 non-profit charity and Christian medical mission that operates an orthopedic clinic in L'estere, Haiti.  L'estere is located between Haiti's two main cities (Cap-Haitian and Port-au-Prince).
Shiloh Baptist Church is proud to support the MIVO Foundation, which is a 100% voluntary U.S. non-profit organization who provides free orthopedic care to the people of Haiti in the name of Jesus.  The clinic operates year-round with full time dedicated staff of Haitian nurses.  
Currently, the MIVO Foundation sends a team of physicians, nurses, and non-medical volunteers from the United States to Haiti to service and support the clinic four times a year.

Active Ambassadors

Minister Evans Vielle

Minister Evans Vielle serves as the Minister of Evangelism and Outreach for Shiloh Baptist Church. He possess an insatiable passion for the Island of Haiti and evangelistic outreach efforts in support for the people of Haiti. 


Information Forthcoming

Support the Mission

Join the Shiloh family as we advance  God's Kingdom by  supporting  those who serve our brothers and sisters in Haiti

Shiloh Baptist Church works with and supports the mission work and commitment of the MIVO Foundation located in York, PA.  The MIVO Foundation is a U.S. registered 501(c)3 non-profit charity (which) through voluntary efforts bring orthopedic care to Haiti's underprivileged population in Jesus' Name. 

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