
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. 

Proverbs 22:6

Shiloh Baptist Church is a church committed to cultivating youth friendly environment while instilling an awareness of the Lord Jesus Christ and establishing a relationship with Him.  The Shiloh Youth Ministry sponsors a host of Christian/Life based events and activities that cater to our Youth population inside and outside the church.

Our TIP Initiative (The Impact Project) is a partnership initiative through the York County Community Foundation that allows Shiloh to teach and train youth in the areas of fiscal literacy, entrepreneurship, investments, career development, business literacy, and other areas of importance for youth growth and development. 

Sunday Mornings

9:00am -9:45am

Sunday School Youth classes are held each Sunday where learning, activities, nurturing, and engagement can take place in a safe and welcoming environment. 


Youth Church is in session each 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Sundays (unless otherwise stated). During the Sunday worship experience, youth will be released to go to their assigned areas.  
If you're a family with youth, we encourage you to let your youth attend youth church
Youth Church is for ages 5 -12 and parents must sign for their youth.

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