Shiloh's CORE Values

"What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us." - A.W. Tozer

Core Values

The following are the CORE Values of the Shiloh Baptist Church based on our vision statement.  Shiloh is Church that is Determined to Know Christ in Excellence as we Journey with Christ through our CORE Values of Fellowship, Lordship, Ownership, Worship, and Stewardship (FLOWS).


At Shiloh, fellowship in Christ is the act of meeting with those who are converted, likeminded, and possess the same general beliefs. Essentially, traditional fellowship is one wherein Christ is the focal point.

Christian fellowship entails a community of individuals connected to a deeper collective called the Universal Church.

It refers to those who have allied themselves with Jesus Christ by joining the same organization to support each other, hold others accountable, and become Christ-like in character, conduct, and conversation.


Shiloh believes in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. When a person submits their life to Jesus Christ, they begin the process of yielding to His Lordship in their lives.

As such, he or she acknowledges Christ's ownership over their lives and gives up his or her personal rights. Yielding to the Lordship of Jesus Christ also involves total and unreserved obedience.

If Christ is truly the Lord of your life, you will do what He asks you to do.


Shiloh Baptist Church teaches the Biblical principle of ownership which involves recognizing that all that we have or will have ultimately belongs to God.

This means that God has entrusted us with resources and responsibilities to be stewards of His glory.  As stewards, we yield our personal rights and expectations to Christ as we manage, maintain, and multiply what He has entrusted us with.

As Creator, God owns all that is in the world, including its people (Psalm 24:1). Christ’s ownership of creation is emphasized in that by Him and for Him are all things created and by Him all things consist (Colossians 1:16–17).


Shiloh believes in the Divine Worship Experience. The true nature of the believer's worship experience with God is from the inside out and has two equally important parts: “worshiping in spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24)."

Worshiping in the spirit has to do with our innermost being and requires that we be born again, be Spirit filled, and be in fellowship with God. Our worship experience is based on really knowing Christ. Why? “No one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God (I Corinthians 2:11b)."

It is the Holy Spirit residing within us who energizes our worship experience to place where He glorifies Himself through us!


Shiloh believes in the Biblical doctrine of stewardship that defines our relationship to God. Stewardship identifies God as owner and man as manager. God makes us His co-worker in managing and administering all areas of our life.

The Bible teaches that we are God’s fellow workers and we are God’s field and building (I Corinthians 3:9). By starting with this principle, we can accurately view and value our possessions as we as our lives.  Stewardship defines our life's purpose as assigned to us by God Himself. It is our God given opportunity to join His global redemptive movement (Matthew 28:19-20).

Stewardship is not God taking something from us; on the contrary, it is His method of bestowing His richest gifts and blessings upon His people.

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