Finding Your PLACE

For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45

Serving in Ministry is a great way to get plugged into Shiloh, feel apart of the Kingdom community, and serve Jesus Christ at the same time.

God has uniquely equipped every person in Shiloh with specific talents, abilities, gifts, and skills (TAGS). As believers, we are tasked with using our gifts in the community and within our local congregation. Using your God-given talents, abilities, and gifts as a volunteer is a powerful way to serve Christ, the church, and to lighten the load of church staff.

Service has a spiritual impact as well. Through service, a desire is cultivated to go deeper into the Word of God and life of the church. Serving in Ministry serves as a witness of the Gospel message within the community.

Serving in Ministry

The Lord hath need of you! - Luke 19:31

God's purpose for your life is expressed through your service to Jesus Christ. In Christ, you receive new purpose and new possibilities. At Shiloh, we encourage you to readily get involved with ministry.  Remember, God did not place you here by accident, he has you here on assignment!

PLACE Classes

Shiloh offers PLACE Classes to help you discover your gifts and find your purpose in God's Kingdom.  This is the first place new and current members should go to discover where you "FIT IN" at Shiloh!!!

Serve in Shiloh's ministries

Use your unique talents, abilities, gifts, and skills to help build the Kingdom.

Shiloh has a host of ministry opportunities available for service. If you are interested in serving in ministry, sign up to serve!!

Your PLACE Begins Here!

How and where do I begin serving?

At Shiloh, we believe serving in ministry is a call of purpose, persuasion, and privilege. if you know where you would like to serve in ministry, feel free to contact any of our various Ministry Lead Servants. They will help point you in the right direction.

Questions about Serving?

We love to clarify service requirements. Please reach out if you still have questions.