
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. 

Hebrews 13:8

Shiloh believes in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. When a person submits their life to Jesus Christ, they begin the process of yielding to His Lordship in their lives.

As such, he or she acknowledges Christ's ownership over their lives and gives up his or her personal rights. Yielding to the Lordship of Jesus Christ also involves total and unreserved obedience.

If Christ is truly the Lord of your life, you will do what He asks you to do.

Teaching Opportunities

Join us each Sunday at 9am for our weekly School of Discipleship with classes offered for all ages.


Bible Study

School of Discipleship

SALT Leadership Conference

Dr. Richard Manning Summer Bible Institute
(Vacation Bible School)

Shiloh offers Bible Study each Wednesday at 12 noon with Pastor Linda Dickerson and 7 pm with Dr. Walthour. 
Shiloh offers our PLACE Class each quarter for members to discover their spiritual gifts to they can find the right PLACE to serve!  Sign up for out PLACE Class today!
Shiloh offers our SALT Leadership Conference in January of each year. Sessions include lectures, workshops, break-out sessions, and panels that focuses on teaching, training, and equipping church leadership on the vision, mission, and theme throughout the year. 
During the summer of each year, Shiloh sponsors our Dr. Richard Manning Summer Bible Institute (VBS). Sessions include classes, workshops, break-out sessions, and fun filled activities that focus on equipping and encouraging disciples  

Is Christ Lord of Your Life?

We'd love to get you connected to a ministry where Christ becomes Lord of your life. Fill out the form below to get started!

Teaching opportunities allow believers to grow in their faith, fellowship, and builds community. Shiloh offers opportunities to connect with ministries so you can find the right place to serve. Use this form to find an opportunity to serve that's right for you. We'd love to have you join us!